Staying ConnectEd...
Island ConnectEd K-12 is a district online learning public school based out of Nanaimo, BC for in-catchment students only. Our school provides a flexible, blended learning environment which allows students/families to learn at a distance but to also have opportunities to (a) meet and work with teachers face-to-face at our school site, and (b) to participate in onsite activities organized by our staff, student leadership team and our amazing Parent Advisory Council (PAC).
Our goal is to support learning so that it may occur anywhere and at anytime.
Our school first opened in 2002 with the creation of our K-7 program. In 2006, our Learn@Home 8-12 school was opened. In fall of 2016, both of our programs were merged under one roof at our new site — officially making us Island ConnectEd K-12.
We support a very diverse group of learners and recognize 5 different student demographics or programs within our school:
- Our Kindergarten to Grade 7 Program
- Our Grade 8 to 9 Program
- Our Grade 10-12 Full-time Program
- Our Grade 10-12 Dual-enrolled Program
- Our Adult Aged Students
It is the unique combination of these five different educational groups that helps to make our school special. We provide a flexible option for many students who are looking for or needing something different than a traditional school setting. We have students who learn at home, students who travel out of country, students who are dual-enrolled with other high schools in our district and province, and students who enjoy working on-site at our school in a self-paced environment. We are “connected” to our students in a variety of learning environments both face-to-face and online. The importance we place on connectedness played a key role in the naming of our school.
*** Please note that Island ConnectEd is a District Online Learning School and not Homeschooling
See below for differences:
For homeschooling
Parents seeking to homeschool their children
- register at a public or independent school
- deliver instruction at home
- exercise complete independence and control over their children’s education
- may use any learning resource of their choice, and
- are not obligated to follow provincially prescribed curriculum.
For online learning
When participating in online learning programs delivered by boards or authorities, home-schooled students
- may learn at home
- are enrolled in a public or independent online learning school
- are obligated to meet curriculum learning standards [LINK to definition in this policy] and/or outcomes in Provincial curriculum or Board/Authority-Authorized courses
- must use only learning resources recommended by the Ministry of Education and Child Care or authorized by the Board or Authority
- if enrolled with an Authority, may use religious materials as part of their educational program
- must have a BC certified teacher or Letter of Permission holder leading their educational program, including assignment and assessment of activities
- are issued formal student progress reports by the online learning school, and
- participate in provincial assessments (Foundation Skills Assessment and provincial graduation assessments).

Weekly Schedule
Please see our school hours on the right. Our school is open during those hours except on