
Island ConnectEd is a District Online Learning School,

    • Our grade 8-9 program is “free” to students who are part of the Nanaimo/Ladysmith School District
    • Our program teaches the BC Curriculum as set out by the Ministry of Education
    • Our teachers are registered teachers who assess and provide instructional feedback on each student’s work
    • Our students and their courses work towards the same graduation diploma as brick and mortar schools

Our grade 8-9 program recognizes that students in these grades benefit from having blended learning opportunities (a combination of learning at a distance through online courses and receiving face-to-face support). This sees the structure of our grade 8-9 program looking a little different from our K-7 and 10-12 programs.  Students have completed their K-7 years and begin working more independently on their studies.  To help prepare students for both their independent learning and their grade 10-12 graduation program courses, they have more regular/structured access to teachers.   That being said, parents, as always, are invited to be active participants in their child’s learning and they may view the courses their child is working on and track their progress through our online gradebook (Jupiter Ed). Although our grade 8-9 program offers more opportunities to work at our Island ConnectEd school site, students will need to complete over 50% of their course work at home.

Families are encouraged to make regular use of the face-to-face supports to help students achieve academic and social successes.

Students in grade 8-9 are enrolled full-time with our school but may enroll throughout the school year.  Due to our ongoing enrolment, there is some flexibility in when courses are offered but our goal is to create a supportive student cohort which sees students having the ability to learn both independently and as a group.

In living up to our school name, we like to stay connected to our families and students.

If you would like to learn more about our grade 8-9 program, have a site tour, or begin enrolment, please book an appointment through our main office (250-756-9901).   Families interested in enrolling in our school are encouraged to complete the online registration to streamline the enrolment process.